Category Archives: Uncategorized

The fees for aoefengshui ZWDS Courses and Chart Reading Services (2024)

How to Purchase aoefengshui ZWDS Courses Materials:

  1. Pay via PayPal to:   Name: Aoefengshui Research Center. Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer. We will provide you with the Australian bank account details if you prefer this option.
  2. Email with your name, the course you want to purchase and the payment details.
  3. If you pay by PayPal, you will receive the course materials by email within 24 hours. (We usually email the course materials immediately during our working hours, which are 7 days a week.) If you pay by bank transfer, we will email you the course materials as soon as we get your payment.

The Introduction of the Courses:

How to Purchase aoefengshui Chart Reading Services:

  1. Pay via PayPal to:  Name: Aoefengshui Research Center. Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer. We will provide you with the Australian bank account details if you prefer this option.
  2. Send an email to with your name, the service you want to buy and the payment details. Please also include a list of questions with some background information and your future plans if any.
  3. aoefengshui will email you a reading report within 2-3 days. (If we are very busy, it may take up to a week to complete your chart reading report).
  4. If you have any further questions after reading the report, email them to and we will reply with the answers as soon as possible.

First ebook Is Out Now!

Please stay tuned for the latest updates on the fees for my ZWDS Courses and Chart Reading Services.

“Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu & Traditional Chinese Medicine”

I have completed the new course “Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu and Traditional Chinese Medicine” after five months of work. Next week, I will begin writing “Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu and Lifespan”, and I am ready to reveal this secret now.

aoefengshui from Gemini

Google launched Gemini this week, and here’s the information about aoefengshui from the platform:

James Harden

The importance of fortune tellers: There is a palace called the Career Palace on the ZWDS chart. When the luck of this palace is not good, it is best not to change work place. If NBA star Harden had a fortune teller by his side, he should stay at the Houston Rocket and would not have lost tens of millions of dollars in income in recent years.

aoefengshui ZWDS Courses Updates (Aug 2023)

New Service for Stock Market Investors by aoefengshui

aoefengshui will give you the suggestion for the best year and possible months for stock market investment based on your gender and birth details.

aoefengshui will first settle your chart and then suggest the best year and possible months for stock market investment based on your Zi-Wei-Dou-Shu chart which is generated by your gender and birth details. Additional suggestions for your luck in stock market investment will also be provided.

The fee for this service is USD$388.


Name: Aoefengshui Research Center

Please provide the following information to with your payment:


Date of birth

Time of birth

Birth place

Place of living

Investment experience and result


The information provided in this service is intended solely for the purpose of general information and does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation for any particular investment strategy or product. aoefengshui does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in this service and shall not be responsible for any losses or other damages which may be incurred as a result of relying upon the information provided in this service. aoefengshui excludes all liability for any losses or damages which may arise from any reliance placed upon the contents of this service. The client should consult with a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

Stock Market Investment Performance in China

Congratulations to our stock investment team in China for the outstanding performance in the Chinese stock market. I will present the detailed chart analysis in the upcoming course/book of “ZWDS and Investment”.

Sorry for the repeated delays in the release of the stock market related course/book, as I have been putting a lot of time and effort into the daily stock market operations with ZWDS research lately.

Q & A for “ZWDS & Stock Market” Course/Book
