Monthly Archives: May 2018

Karma Marriage & Karma Peach Blossom

“Karma marriage” and “Karma peach blossom” are related to the past life. For example, if “Karma marriage” exists in ZWDS chart, it would be very hard to get divorced even there was a very bad sign from Life or Decade Spouse-Palace; if “Karma peach blossom” exists, you would go with him/her even you got engaged or married already.

Review (May 16, 2018)

aoefengshui “ZWDS & Depression” Research Program

In the past few years, aoefengshui followed several ZWDS charts with depression and found that at least one of the related stars/palaces in their ZWDS charts was “broken”. The personalized treatment suggestions were designed for each chart accordingly.

If you or someone you know is in crisis because of the depression, please feel free to contact me by email ( with gender, date of birth, time of birth and some background info. I will add your case into the research program and hopefully I can give you some free advice when I complete this program by the end of next year.

All the information provided will be kept strictly confidential.

Following is one of the Tibetan Mantras for suicide and depression prevention:

