Monthly Archives: July 2018

Migraine and Depression

Successfully located the genes of depression in a ZWDS chart of a migraine patient.


“ZWDS & Depression” Project Update.

Spent most of my time at “ZWDS & Depression” project and followed up more than 20 depression cases these days, I found the following signs of depression from ZWDS chart:

1. Life Self-Palace Self Hua-Ji or Ji to Opposite;
2. The relevant issues from Happiness-Palace;
3. The relevant issues from Health-Palace;
4. The relevant issues from Karma Stars (Zuo-Fu, You-Bi, Wen-Chang, Wen-Qu);

Along with a Psychologist who had more than 30 years experience, I am designing the personalized packages according to individual ZWDS charts at this stage. The good news is 2 of 5 patients who joined our project 3 months ago are able to get rid of the depression gradually. We will continue to follow them up closely.

For patients with severe signs of depression, they should first receive medical treatment from a professional doctor. When depressive symptoms can be controlled, for example they can calm down to listen, or for the people with slightly depressed signs, our project may help relieve the symptoms.

I hope that the “ZWDS & Depression” project will come with the initial results in next 6 to 12 months.